October 27 – 28, 2022
Component Society Executive Members should plan to attend the 2022 Component Society Leadership Summit (CSLS). The goal of the Summit is to provide you with information, practical tools and resources to help you fulfill your role as a component society volunteer.
A full agenda will be available closer to the event. Preliminary plans for the agenda include:
• Component Societies – The Fundamentals
• Engaging Members and Volunteers
• Running effective meetings
Who should attend from your component society?
Think of two members who would benefit most from attending. Attendees need not already be active society volunteers. A member that your society wants to encourage to get involved, or someone new to volunteering or a member of your society executive moving into a new role – all are welcome to attend.
Thursday, October 27
6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 – 9:30 pm Speaker
Friday, October 28
8:30 am – 4:30 pm Full Day Session
Delta Toronto Hotel
75 Lower Simcoe Street, Toronto ON M5J 3A6
Contact Information
For more information and to register, Component Society executives should check The Bridge website or email Dr. Kiran Atwal, Component Society Outreach Program Specialist.
Register online by 11:30 pm on September 26, 2022.